
CornellCard allows students to make purchases on-campus by presenting their Cornell student ID card. All full-time Cornell students are encouraged to take advantage of the CornellCard privileges. This service can help you manage your day-to-day expenses without having to carry large amounts of cash.

   Administer your CornellCard

Important Notes:

  • Submitting this form requires authentication with your Cornell NetID and password.
  • The CornellCard will be active and available for all current or returning full-time Cornell students as soon as they agree to the terms and conditions.
  • The CornellCard for new, incoming students for the fall term will become active in July.
  • The student (not the parent or guardian) must complete the form and provide all required information.
  • To cancel your CornellCard, you (the student) must email the Bursar from your Cornell email address.